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0 Items - 0,00 €Felt tip for polishing ø 3 mm shaft, ø 20 x 5 mm. Lentiform (no shaft) and you can use it for micromotors.
Felt tips ø 3 mm shaft for polishing and you can use them for micromotors.
Abrasive wheel in emery cloth with different grit for bench polishing motors. Dimensions wheel: ø 90/100 x 30 mm, ø 7 (f) mm
Abrasive green emery wheel - mm. ø 76 x 9,5 x 6(f) mm with fine grit for use of bench polishing motors.
Abrasive wheels in sponge texture for bench polishing motors. We have these products in different size with two grit: 150 and 240.
White cotton thread “UTG" brushes, wooden hub for use on industrial polishing bench. We have many brushes with different diameters.
Orange cloth discs with seams, treated for a better adhesion of abrasive pastes.
Cotton cloth “UTG” disc, with seam - ø 100 x 10 mm, ø 6 (f) mm.
"Madapolam" cloth “UTG” disc, with seam - ø 100 x 10 mm, ø 6 (f) mm. This disc is used for industrial polishing bench.
"Madapolam" cloth disc with seam and with fibre hub - ø 100 x 10 mm, ø 6 (f) mm. You can use this disc for industrial bench polishing motors.
Soft cloth “UTG” disk with plastic hub for polishing machines.
Emery wheels in silicon carbide mix with different grit. Can be used for bench polishing motors.