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0 Items - 0,00 €Wheel brush with shaft (ø 2.35 mm) for cleaning and finishing of metals in soft goat's hair, ø 14 mm.
Wheel brush with shaft (ø 2.35 mm) for cleaning and finishing of metals in cotton yarn, ø 14 mm.
"Beta" cup brushes with shaft ø 2.35 mm of high quality and suitable for cleaning and finishing of metals, particularly deoxidize and polish.
Black animal bristle brush, converging rows, “type Extra/VI MDM" - ø 80 mm with 3 rows
Corrugated brass wire (ø 0.08 mm), parallel rows - for goldsmiths, silversmiths and electroplating for use on bench polishing motors.
Black bristle “UTG" brushes, strong, converging rows for use on industrial polishing bench, bench polishing motors.
Strong black bristle brush, ø 50 mm “UTG” for industrial polishing bench.
UTG Brush in goats bristle, ø 50 mm soft for bench polishing motors.
UTG Brush in goats bristle, ø 50 mm soft for bench polishing motors.
Madapolan cloth brush "type UTG" for polishing bench motors.
Scotch bride A synthetic brush "UTG" for polishing bench.