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0 Items - 0,00 €Extra quality paper for stones (25 sheets per pack)
Touching for approximate assaying the title of gold objects.
Testing acid solution for metal and title testing (contains 14 cc)
Acid bottles for metal and title testing (14 cc) for gold.
Diamond Selector II tester, to quickly and reliably identify diamonds (indications through a LED and buzzer), battery operated 9V (not included)
A pocket-sized instrument that instantly identifies diamonds and moissanites based on their thermal and electrical properties. The Presidium Multi Tester III is the only instrument needed to verify
The GXL-24PRO GOLD TESTERTM is a high technology professional digital instrument, for efficient, non-destructive determination of gold karat values from 6 to 24 karats. The GXL-24PRO GOLD TESTERTM
Title testing set (1 - 14 - 18 - 22 ct. Ag) composed of 5 glass bottles, one touching, 5 acid, wooden box with lid.
Touching for approximate assaying the title of steel objects, synthetic type Dim. 40 x 50 mm.
Tester Auracle For Gold/Platinum. This compact and portable tester has an LED display that gives you the freedom to test all colors and karats of gold ranging from 6K to 24K with instantaneous